Hello Everyone:
This is Tariq MaQbool, an incarcerated writer/journalist and the creator of CAPTIVEVOICES.COM.
Welcome to our family!
I created this forum to provide an avenue for the incarcerated men/women to speak our truth, to tell our stories, and to define our own narratives. I truly believe that without our voices and that of our loved ones, we will continue to be marginalized and our plight will remain without redress. In sum, to make real, structural changes to the broken American Judicial/Prison system, we must speak up!
So, come join us, and add your voice to our Captive Voices!
For submissions, please read the following information to ensure your writing aligns with Captive Voice’s mission statement.
At this time, we are seeking….
Kindly NOTE that all submissions are voluntary & can be removed per request. We also reserve the absolute right to refuse & accept any submissions.
All written/digital/recorded/audio/artwork submissions will be edited as per need by the CV volunteers. Therefore, please NOTE that by submitting your works/creations, you are providing us CONSENT to edit & publish your submissions on our website;
Please do NOT submit any writings/poetry/creations/artwork etc that is related to, affiliated to, or is symbolic of any gangs or outlawed groups.
We are a small grassroots organization comprised of volunteers. The views in this article are those of the author. We are unable to establish the veracity of all claims and have verified the Writer’s identity and basic facts such as the name of the institutions. We appreciate your support and understanding.