Celebrating Women's History Month

“You’re a Champion to Me: A Celebration of Women’s History Month” by Shawn Robert Johnson

On the 22nd day in 1986 it was cold night in December

When you gave birth to me – as I am sure you gladly remember

I was the second of three kids and you just became a wife

A young black woman in the world just trying to live your life

Being young I remember all the times we constantly moved around

But no matter what life threw at our family you always held it down

There were a lot of negatives on your journey that you had to face

Even if we were broken inside you still showed nothing but grace

You showed me the meaning of what a strong woman do represent

You showed me with your actions truly what perseverance meant

You always showed me your love and care the best way you could

If I faced any adversities in life you always listened and understood

Regardless of the darkness you faced – you never left me behind

Every experience we been through I would never want to unwind

You give me encouragement whenever I’m feeling down and out

You motivate me to keep pressing on and to never embrace doubt

For Women’s History Month and everyday you’re who I honor you see

So I just want to remind you how – you’re a Champion To Me!

By: Shawn Robert Johnson SBI#000732464C

Shawn Robert Johnson is incarcerated in New Jersey State Prison (NJSP). He is a participant of CAPTIVE VOICES WRITING PROGRAM cohort at NJSP. He is a writer/poet & artist. You can see his writings on Captivevoices.com, and alwaysxpect.com